I Am

What I feel happy is a perfect product

Hao Mengshi’s face immediately showed fear, and a pair of careful and resentful eyes swept the people present. When they saw them pointing at her, Hao Mengshi gritted his teeth and looked directly at Aunt Wang again. "That was the original thing. Now that I can do things here, let’s say that Hao Ren didn’t blame me for being an aunt."

"I don’t care if Hao Ren blames you. You are working in this workshop now. You are the workers in…


“你想说什么?”他淡淡好像并没有什么不适应 “我就是想知道你这样耗着到底是在等贝儿还是因不敢前行?” 温良终是放了手里刀不自禁沉吟了一 温柔却是朝他堆积起满面笑像个宽老姐 “姐有没有人告诉过你这么琢磨一个男孩心理很变态?” “变态?我恨不得踢你一脚让你把那一步迈出去又把踢错了而痴痴不敢动” “那你踢一脚试试?”温良笑着说 温柔气极反笑姐弟俩在厨房里呆着一会儿温怡吃了两包薯片后才发现老姐不在就也跑去厨房 姐弟三个在厨房里呆着却有一个在煮饭另外两个都是帮倒忙 “你们有没有觉得其实孟琳性有些像是我们老妈年轻时候”温柔突然说出来这样话 温良不说话嘴里噙着笑 “嗯嗯嗯同感哎妈妈年轻时候也扎马尾”温怡点头认同 “我记得姐姐前也是扎马尾还有你跟温情都扎过” Gentle … Wen Yi … “臭小我们像是妈妈不对吗?”温柔忍不住数落他 “我是想说年轻女孩扎个马尾没什么好大惊小怪”…